Lumbini as a historical or religious place

on Monday, January 24, 2011
There are many importance religious or historical places in Nepal.I think one very importance and historical or religious place is lumbini. this place has religious and historical importance because Gautama Buddha was born here. this place is located in the western terai of Nepal. it lies in kapilbastu district. lord Buddha was born 2,500 years ago in this place. he had gained knowledge and thrust here. since then it has been a memorable place for thousand and millions of people in the world.
                                              millions of people have faith in lord Buddha. this has spread all over the word.lumbini is important not only from religious point of view but also from historical point of view.thousands of people come to visit lumbini every has helped to earn foreign currency also.the most important asped of this place is culture lumbini has been part of coltare of our country.

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