A street beggar

on Tuesday, February 8, 2011
we see beggars roaming around with a bowl in their hands.they ask for alms(money or food as a donation). in ancient times a person used to eat to beg only if they didn't have lost their way. anythings to eat or when they lost their way. some beggars used to beg because they were disabled and couldn't work or go in search of food.
                               Nowadays begging has become a kind of job for many people. they go out begging even when they are physically fit.some beggars go around begging and beg more than an honest worker earns in a days work. wherever you go, a beggar comes and look at you in eyes. you cant escapes him.
                                  Besides, seeing them in the temple, they come in the bus and go around the house door to door. beggars actually loot money in the name of god or religion. A self-respectful person- whether a handicap or not, always tries to stand on his own food. of course, helpless, crippled people should be helped, but they shouldn't be given alms.

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