Tihar(the Deepawali)

on Wednesday, February 2, 2011
 we all know that we are rich in our culture and festivals. many Nepali as well as tourist celebrates our festivals. like wise our second biggest festival is tihar. it is also known as festival of deepawali. we celebrate this festival for five days. it is celebrated through out the world by Hindus in kartik. we all Nepali are happy to celebrate  this festival. the people who are out of country also celebrate this festival.
the first day of tihar is called kag tihar. we worship crow all around the country as messenger of yamaraj. the second day is knows as the day of dog and we laxmi so that laxmi will who is wealthy in wealth, we worship dog also. laxmi enter our house and makes us prosperous.. children form groups and also. we call this in Nepali:" Deusi! for this not only small child even the big male and female go for carol singing. they are welcomed and given food and money. we also celebrate and gobhardhan puja and this is also the day new year in newari culture. the last and mast important day of tihar is bhai tika. we all celebrate

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