The telephone

on Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Telephone is the inventions of science. it is the most important medium of communication. it was invented by Alexander graham bell. h e was an American scientist. long ago, there was no means of communication. people used to send message or the notes on a horseback.
                                     Today, we find telephone in almost every boys houses. the mobile phone,has been an important part of communication. Nowadays, telephone  is not a luxurious thing. it has become a necessity. in Kathmandu on in the important cities or towns of Nepal, we have telephones in almost everybody's house and office. it save a lot of time and lots of troubles. every telephone has its own number. so need to dial his telephones numbers. telephone has made easier for all of them. however, businessman is mostly benefited.

A street beggar

we see beggars roaming around with a bowl in their hands.they ask for alms(money or food as a donation). in ancient times a person used to eat to beg only if they didn't have lost their way. anythings to eat or when they lost their way. some beggars used to beg because they were disabled and couldn't work or go in search of food.
                               Nowadays begging has become a kind of job for many people. they go out begging even when they are physically fit.some beggars go around begging and beg more than an honest worker earns in a days work. wherever you go, a beggar comes and look at you in eyes. you cant escapes him.
                                  Besides, seeing them in the temple, they come in the bus and go around the house door to door. beggars actually loot money in the name of god or religion. A self-respectful person- whether a handicap or not, always tries to stand on his own food. of course, helpless, crippled people should be helped, but they shouldn't be given alms.

Tihar(the Deepawali)

on Wednesday, February 2, 2011
 we all know that we are rich in our culture and festivals. many Nepali as well as tourist celebrates our festivals. like wise our second biggest festival is tihar. it is also known as festival of deepawali. we celebrate this festival for five days. it is celebrated through out the world by Hindus in kartik. we all Nepali are happy to celebrate  this festival. the people who are out of country also celebrate this festival.
the first day of tihar is called kag tihar. we worship crow all around the country as messenger of yamaraj. the second day is knows as the day of dog and we laxmi so that laxmi will who is wealthy in wealth, we worship dog also. laxmi enter our house and makes us prosperous.. children form groups and also. we call this in Nepali:" Deusi! for this not only small child even the big male and female go for carol singing. they are welcomed and given food and money. we also celebrate and gobhardhan puja and this is also the day new year in newari culture. the last and mast important day of tihar is bhai tika. we all celebrate


on Saturday, January 29, 2011
Deforestation means cutting down trees., in recent years, people have been cutting down trees to cultivate land to grow crops for hungry people. big forests are being cleaned  every year for firewood and timber some people are cutting down trees for making huge buildings. in this way, deforestation has been a great problem today. if it continues, it will spoil the world environment very quickly.
                                             there will be ecological crisis very soon. it will damage the earth. there will be no rain. nature will be no longer beautiful. fertile land will turn in to desert. there will be imbalance in earth. the equilibrium will be disturbed. the earth will come to a ruin.

Agriculture in Nepal

on Friday, January 28, 2011
Nepal is a mountainous country. most of the part of Nepal has mountains and hills. it snows in the Himalayan region all the year but the low hills are good for farming. terai is the most fertile land. the land of Nepal can be irrigated because there are many rivers that flow north to south . thus, farming has been the main occupation of Nepal. more then ninety percent of the population depends on agriculture. more then sixty percent of the national income is from agriculture is the backbone of the nation.
there are other economic activities like industry and commerce also.       many people are dependent on commerce. they have small trades. a few people have large industries.

Lumbini as a historical or religious place

on Monday, January 24, 2011
There are many importance religious or historical places in Nepal.I think one very importance and historical or religious place is lumbini. this place has religious and historical importance because Gautama Buddha was born here. this place is located in the western terai of Nepal. it lies in kapilbastu district. lord Buddha was born 2,500 years ago in this place. he had gained knowledge and thrust here. since then it has been a memorable place for thousand and millions of people in the world.
                                              millions of people have faith in lord Buddha. this has spread all over the word.lumbini is important not only from religious point of view but also from historical point of view.thousands of people come to visit lumbini every has helped to earn foreign currency also.the most important asped of this place is culture lumbini has been part of coltare of our country.

Importance of cottage industries in Nepal

Nepal is rich of raw materies. there are many possibilities of cottage industries in Nepal. Nepal cannot run big industries due to the lack of manpower, specialists and capital. most of people of this country are farmers. it is enough to work about 3 months in their farms. they can use their remaining time to produce different things from cottage industries. there are many advantages of such small industries here
  To establish such industries, we don't need to invest a lot of money. people get employment and  become independent. they  gran dully earn  some money and improve their life standard. they can   use the bamboo- basket, weaving sweaters and other woolen clothes, small scale carpet making, weaving fabric  clothes pottery, etc are very useful and important foe use.